Writer’s Block and Publishing.

I try real hard to come up with zany blog posts to entertain you all, but then it hits: Writer’s Block!

I seem to write in spurts, full of ideas, high creativity level, and then-BOOM! It hits and I got nothing!

It is important to me, whether I publish or not, to write something everyday, it seems most days to fuel my creativity, but today is not that day.

I struggle with whether to publish everyday or even every other day.

I do publish often, will people get sick of me if I publish every day?

Who just said that there already sick of me?  I’ ll kick your ….promised my husband I’d stop swearing so much…you get the idea!

Oh, Mr. Wise guy in the corner who would like to see me try it, seriously I am gonna kick your ass! (Sorry, hubby was provoked.)

Where was I?

Ah..yeah.. the joys of writer’s block and wondering if I should post whenever I have material.

Gonna go for whenever I feel like it! How does that sound?


I am me and nobody else. One of a kind just like the rest of the world.

16 thoughts on “Writer’s Block and Publishing.

  1. I agree–go with whenever you feel like it. If it’s not there, why stress yourself out to get something up and running? By posting only twice weekly, I have yet to experience ‘writer’s block.’ If I posted every day, I suspect that would be a different story.

    1. I worry that I post too much!
      I agree with your advice and if I publish everyday or once a week, I’ll do it my way, as the old song says.
      Thanks,as always for stopping by! 🙂

  2. Whenever you feel like it sounds like a plan, I try to post at least every other day but sometimes struggle with that, so don’t struggle trying to come up with something to say, just kick back and say what you feel without worrying too much about getting a post out everyday.

    Your posts are going to be great no matter how many times you publish them I have a feeling 🙂

  3. Rachael, I’m in agreement with posting when you feel like it, but with one caveat: be aware that the things you post can be very powerful and long-lasting.

    For example, I woke up this morning to the hippopotamus Christmas song playing in my head. It’s playing in my head now, as I’m writing this. I’m about to tear my hair out. I kid you not. I’ve had two days and counting of the worst Christmas song ever recorded playing nonstop in my head. All because of YOU, Rachael.

    Thanks. And Merry Christmas.

  4. Welcome to the club, this happens to the best of us. I’m trying to keep an “every other day” schedule, but I also have guest posts every other article, so in reality I only write around 2 times a week. Don’t stress yourself out and write when inspired – your posts will only be better!

    1. Thank you, Daniel. How is the Dude Write thing going?
      I’m thinking about allowing guest posts, little shy of doing so,though.

      1. Doing good, got a guest judge on board for the next round. Wednesday is the launch of December round, so stay tuned 😉

        Nothing to be shy about, plenty of people out there who want their articles published, it’s just up to you whether you want their content 🙂

      2. I will look forward to Wednesday then! 🙂
        If I decide to do the guest thing I’ll wait until after the holidays. Kinda busy right now with school and stuff.

Got something nice to say, witty, silly, profound, demented, redundant or redundant? Go ahead make my day!