Complaining About Complaining.


Do you complain? Well, of course you do, we all do. 

Now don’t go saying you don’t. If you protest that you never complain, then you are complaining about people who complain. It’s a Paradox, don’t try and figure it out ,your head might explode, just believe me when I say everyone complains. 

Sure there are people who have a lot more to complain about than I do. 

People with chronic illness, people who are homeless, and those poor souls who can’t afford luxury items such as beef. 

But not having much to complain about rarely stops me, what can I say? I am great at complaining.  It is my one true talent, that and the writing thing.

This weeks complaints so far are :


 1.The cat has finally taken over.

 2.It snowed again! @#*!!@#*!!

 3.I failed my Algebra quiz! And am left with the knowledge that, all though, I will never use this stuff again in my life it is necessary for me to graduate. 

4. I burned the homemade pizza last night. 

 5. It snowed again!!#@@*@#!!

6. I have a library fine of .20 cents. Yeah, twenty-cents and they still felt it necessary to inform me. 

7. I keep waking up with dry mouth, because the furnace is still continually on, because it snowed again!!@#*!!@#*@!!

8. My hair has gone back to its natural color.

9.The exercise  machine that broke has been replaced and so, now I have no more excuses!

 10.Did I mention it snowed again? @#*!!@*#!!